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Gulf News writing about Wheels

Recently, Gulf News published a report about university students, who are finding solutions to the region’s most pressing problems. We were glad to see Wheels being featured and are happy to share the article with you.

Here Co-Founders Sebastian (r.)  and Julius (m.) are pitching Wheels.
University students are being given an opportunity to help shape the future through an Expo 2020 Dubai programme for developing solutions to global challenges affecting the region. Here you see Co-Founders Sebastian and Julius with Mentor Mohamed from left to right.


Expo 2020 challenge for students to build prototypes

University students to find solutions to region’s most pressing problems

Dubai: University students in the UAE are being given an opportunity to help shape the future through an Expo 2020 Dubai programme that entrusts youths to develop creative solutions to global challenges that affect the region.

The second cycle of the University Innovation Programme (UIP), a key pillar of Expo 2020s innovation and partnership programme Expo Live, was launched on Sunday.

It calls on student teams to produce original ideas or prototypes that could benefit communities by positively impacting society, preserving the environment, or both.

Successful student teams will each receive a grant worth between Dh25,000 and Dh50,000 to help take their idea to the next level. Students will also receive guidance from their universities and Expo Live to advance research and development, create a business model, grow their team and potentially partner with other entities.

Grantees may get the chance to showcase their projects to millions of people at Expo 2020 Dubai. “Expo Live firmly believes that innovation can come from anywhere, to everyone — and this especially includes university students. We saw this during the first cycle of the UIP, when student teams across the UAE developed truly innovative projects that we are now helping to develop,” said Yousuf Caires, Vice President — Expo Live, Expo 2020 Dubai.

The first cycle of the University Innovation Programme, which launched in September 2017, received more than 280 applications from student teams across the UAE.

Nineteen teams were awarded grants to help bring their solutions to life, with support from their universities, the Expo Live team and Expo 2020 Dubai and its partners.

Yousuf Caires is stressing the importance of collaboration

“We should never underestimate the power of collaboration, which is why we are asking students to team up, and work with the support of their universities. We have already seen how enthusiastically our students can work together to create a positive impact and we hope to recreate the same sense of eagerness to tackle our most pressing challenges during the second cycle,” added Caires.

Smart Submarine Group, from United Arab Emirates University, designed a submarine that collects data on marine ecosystems, such as pH levels, salinity and turbidity.

The customisable unmanned vessel could help public and private organisations to better monitor coral reefs, inspect undersea oil pipelines and select sustainable locations for new ports.

Meanwhile, Heelo, a team from Emirates Aviation University, received funding for its Project You mentoring programme, which seeks to boost confidence and reduce anxiety among school students. NYU Abu Dhabi team Poolers created the Wheels mobile app, helping to reduce traffic congestion by encouraging and facilitating users to car share.

As well as providing funding, guidance and exposure, the annual programme builds partnerships between students, government entities, business incubators, accelerators and mentors, helping to maximise participants’ chances of success beyond Expo 2020 Dubai.

Teams in the second cycle have until 15 October, 2018 to submit applications. Proposed projects should be in keeping with Expo 2020 Dubai’s sub-themes of Opportunity, Mobility and Sustainability.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to a design-thinking workshop, where they will pitch their projects to a panel of judges and receive feedback to help them prepare for the final at the end of November.

Published:  September 02, 2018 15:06

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